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Usability Testing

The usability testing, performed by the professor and a student, yielded several constructive comments that allowed us to improve our website’s user experience:

  1. Front page clarity: Originally, the front page seemed promotional rather than informative. It was also perceived as being too wordy, creating confusion between it being a product page or a blog. We worked on this feedback by streamlining the content and making it more straightforward.

  2. GitHub link: The inclusion of the GitHub link led some users to believe we were promoting an open-source project. We felt that the github link was a useful addition to the website to allow users to find relevant code relating to the curio robot.

  3. Project ownership: It was unclear who was behind the project. We addressed this by adding an about us section on our website.

  4. Target audience: Users were unsure who the robot was designed for.

  5. Changes to the robot: Users were able to identify the changes made to the robot, indicating that our visual presentations were effective.

  6. Design journal clarity: The design journal was missing the process and thinking behind our design decisions. We added the dailies to our website under the blog section to address the issue on the lack of thinking behind our design.

  7. Explanation of sketches: Users wanted to see explanations for our design sketches. The explanations were done on the prototype page.

  8. Navigation: The design of the page didn’t clearly guide users to where they could find the design sketches and ideas. We added a navigation tab at the left side of the design journal page to allow the user to traverse the different pages.)