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Day 2

20 July 2023

Meeting with Project Partners

We met the partners at Barclays Campus Tradescroft Building along with Team 6A where we introduced ourselves to the client, Ross, and discussed the scope of the auto donation project.

At the end of the meeting, we clarified our doubts on the project and we learned that Barclays already runs a charity movement among the employees, and hopes to expand on that to enable the greater community to donate. In addition we have gathered a few requirements about the application to be built.

Requirements Gathered

  • There will be no restriction on features and functionalities where the team will decide what is suitable for the app.
  • There is no specific communities or charities, user can decide where they want their money to be donated.
  • Using the app daily should help make decisions easier for users by integrating user’s data and helping them to understand their finances so that they can make informed decisions when donating.
  • The app to be built will be a web based application
  • The project focuses more on design and ideation rather than implementing full stack features.


Aside from gathering requirements from the meeting, we came up with a few considerations to consider when working on the application. These includes:

  • Data which only includes Barclays users for now, consider open banking in UK and hopefully incorporate that into the design.
  • Analysis of user spending available, how should we use it to determine their interests?
  • How should we measure success for the app?
  • What should the app be named?

Task Tracking

Finally, we came up with a TO-DO list where we will be able to keep track of the things required to complete.

  1. UI prototype
  2. Get screenshot of the app from Ross for design language purposes (to adhere to common schemes and colors by Barclays).
  3. Branding / Marketing name for the app.