With the POC’s input, we identified one of the three problems to focus on - to better share stories and history behind items in The Annexe Communities’ building, and murals/other collaborative works in the neighbourhood that involved the community.
We narrowed down the information gathered through the interview, to extract the needs and challenges relevant to the problem. Motivations remained the same as they revolve around the core values of the Annexe Communities.
Verifying the Insights Collected and Suggesting IdeasThe POC confirmed that the needs and challenges extracted were well captured.
In the future, we could improve on our process by having well-formatted meeting minutes, and versioned documents containing the relevant insights extracted from the interview, as the relevance of the insights is affected by changes in the project's focus.
Key Takeaways:
1. Use a well-formatted template for meeting minutes or interview notes, for ease of reference.
2. Versioned documents for insights discovered. Relevance of insights may change according to the problem statement or scope of the project.
3. Verify the correctness of the extracted insights with the stakeholder(s) to rectify any misunderstandings early on.