Week 3
Day 10 | 31 July 2023
The team took into account the feedback raised by both the client and our TA, Yuxin. The figma link
can be found here (https://www.figma.com/file/JwKrHx3afr99KNG7Yxgt4U/CSC3003---Auto-Donate-Group-6A?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=e1IyZwajUD7Dr5li-1).
Several amendments were made such as introducing the pausing subscription option, creating the advertising
banner, fixing the nav bar alignment and more.
The team had a meeting with the client today and the client relished our prototype design, as we had listened to the feedback and made the relevant changes to it. The client encouraged us to think about whether we can guess the donor’s interest in the causes based on their expenses. The team will look into it and see how we can incorporate this in the design. The team made significant progress on the static webpage. This is our home page:
This is our dailies page, where we named it our journey to allow readers to follow our design process from paper to ideation to prototype.
The team also came out with a short trailer for our product, which you can it at the Home Page.
The team will continue to work and finalise the prototype, static website and the poster in the upcoming days to prepare for the exhibition on Thursday.