Week 2

Day 6 | 25 July 2023

The team has scheduled a client meeting on 26 July, Wednesday to meet with the client to garner feedback on our prototypes based on our Prototype 3 that Ian had showcased yesterday. With this, the team is currently working on an interactive hi-fi prototype using Figma. Here is what the team had come out with so far:

The team plans to create the hi-fi prototype on Figma based on Prototype 3 and then make amendments based on the client’s feedback which we will be receiving tomorrow. Following which, the team plans to add interactivity on the Figma to simulate the usage of the application. As seen in the image, the team tried to leverage on the Barclays’ banking application’s looks & feels for integration. The team had requested for some screenshots of the application during the first meeting and will remind Ross to send it over to us again tomorrow during the meeting. In the meantime, the team have started to work on the static website. The team is in the midst of finding a template to adopt for our static website and will update the thread tomorrow on our chosen template.